Friday, May 31, 2013

My first giveaway! Signed copy of my new album "My Favorite Things"

I recently had the amazing (and very stressful!) opportunity to record another album whilst completing the first year of my doctoral program at the University of Michigan. Lindsey and I flew home to Utah for Christmas break and spring break, and were in the studio nearly every day for those "breaks." The album title, My Favorite Things reflects the content of the album, combining my favorite works from both the popular realm and the classical realm, including movie themes from Harry Potter, The Sound of Music, Les Miserables, Schindler's List, The Wizard of Oz, as well as songs by Led Zeppelin and Owl City. incredible wife, Lindsey, acted as producer, and sat in the studio for the many hours we were recording, intently listening and helping me tweak every last detail to get each track just right. To celebrate the release of the new album, I'm doing a giveaway of a signed CD. As you will see, this giveaway will be run through Rafflecopter, and there are several options you can choose from to enter (or do several of them for extra entries!). This will run for the month of June, and the winner will be announced on July 1st. I'll be sending out a monthly newsletter to my email list announcing each month's winner (future giveaways will feature other albums, free online Skype piano lessons, and other fun merchandise giveaways). Go ahead and leave a comment below for your first entry!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Shalay Peterson

  2. This is a fun idea for the summer! I can't wait for the free online Skype piano lessons give-away!

  3. Caleb really really wants to win this!

  4. This is wonderful. Thanks!

  5. I love your talent! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Cydnee Haws

  6. Jeni Murphy


  7. Josh I saw your La Campanella played not only with 2 hands but on 2 separate Grand Pianos at the same time - and it blew me away! You not only managed to play it without error but with such finesse and expression in your hands (not to mention your calm facial expressions, lol). I've shared it so that you can work towards 8 million views!! Thanks for sharing and all the best from an avid lover of great piano music.

    1. Haha I have a long way to go to get 8 million. Thank you very much for your support.

  8. ...PS I would really love your CD in my growing collection of piano instrumental CDs :)

  9. You are truly inspirational. You are an amazing talent. :)

  10. I'm a big fan of all of your recordings and greatly appreciate all the work you do for the community of piano students like myself who, without you, would probably still be wandering in the dark in their unproductive practice sessions.

    1. That is very kind of you. If you ever have any piano questions, don't hesitate to email me.

  11. Hi Josh, here is my entry:-
    A little ditty song which may be sung to the tune of Beethoven's Ode To Joy - that I cheekily renamed Ode To Josh
    "I-would-like-a-signed-C-d-so-Josh-won't-you-con-siiii-der-meeee-I-would-make-time-ev'-ry-day-to-lis-ten-to-the-maesssss-tro-playyyy-Chop-in-Har-ry-Fav-or-ite-things-though-no-bo-dy-sings-that's-fine-by-meeeee-I-won't-self-com-bust-if-you-will-just-send-me-a-siiiiigned-CDddddddd :)

    1. I love it! Lindsey and I are excited to meet you in-person this summer!

  12. Just as I've always known, your mind never stops working for new innovative ideas about how to reach out to people and to allow them to hear your amazing talent. You deserve a free CD just for your ingenuity! But, but, "whilst"?

    1. Thanks Marilyn. It was good to see you at the concert a couple of weeks back!

  13. Hi Josh,

    It was my teacher, Dean Elder who told me about your YouTube channel. He is now in his 90's, and throughout his life as an artist he has published a book of interviews with concertizing artists such as Rubenstein, been on the judging panel at the Van Cliburn, as well as teaching who knows how many private students!

    I thought you might want to know that he had this to say to all of his students about you. :)

    "In my Internet peregrinations I stumbled on He's a terrific young pianist who has put valuable lessons on the youtube. If you want thousands of free master piano lessons, I suggest you start listening and absorbing.

    Here are a few of his short videos that I have watched. I have learned something from every one of them:
    Finger Stretches, Beethoven Moonlight Sonata, Amazing technique, Improvising, Finding Inspiration, Reducing Hand Tension, Tremolos, Chopin Ballade #1, Memorizing, Small Hands, Efficient practice, Removing Roadblocks, Left Hand Technique, Organized practicing, Overcoming performance Anxiety, Hand Problems, Learning New Pieces, Repeated Notes, Quiet notes, Arpeggios, Improving Speed, Pearly Sound, Style of Chopin, Accuracy Part I, II, III, IV, Expression, Effective Dynamics"

    Thanks for all you do for us all! No matter how young or old!

    1. Dear Georgia - this is very touching for me to read. It's always encouraging to hear stories like this, as putting out content online can often be a bit daunting, wondering if you're making any kind of difference at all, or if it's all in vain. Thank you so much for sharing this. Please send your teacher my thanks and best wishes.

  14. Still remember your sweet family when we lived by you and what gentlemen your mom was raising you to be! love following your beautiful music success..

  15. I am officially entering to win! Thanks, from Summer Harrington.

    1. I forgot to mention my last name: Summer Harrington

  16. Can't wait to hear it!


  17. Congratulations! Couldn't imagine how hard you have to work to help thousands of piano players!

    I happened to know you from one of the largest Chinese piano forum. Some people are working on translating the main points of your lessons into Chinese since they don't have access to Youtube. I'm not sure if they can watch your videos from your official website but a lot of people in China benefit a lot from you and they appreciate your gracious help very much.

    I just would like to thank God because of what you did for others!

    All the best,
